10:00 AM10:00

The Moat at the Heart of Glenelly’

‘The Moat at the Heart of Glenelly’  is a Moderate 8km walk to Mullaghcarbathagh, or more easily put, the hill fondly known as ‘The Moat’ to locals. It holds a special place in the heart of the people in Glenelly as a charity walk destination which affords beautiful views over the quiet town of Plumbridge and the mouth of the famous Glenelly Valley. This walk will be from Craig over the hill and into Plumbridge Village.

Registration – 10am at Watt’s Barr in Plumbridge

Book Here

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Easy: Foraging your path to Health’-  Balix Boardwalk and Loop (6km)
11:00 AM11:00

Easy: Foraging your path to Health’- Balix Boardwalk and Loop (6km)

Registration Point: Watts Bar Plumbridge

Registration Time: 10.30am (Please arrive at least 30 mins before start time at 11am)

This route includes the Balix Board-Walk and is part-trail and part-minor road around the circumference of Balix Hill between the Butterlope and Altishane. Suitable for all ages, it will include input by a local expert on forageable plants at the time of year.

Cost: £5 Per Person. Book Here

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 Moderate: Bog Dreams Ireland’s Glacial Past’ Craignamaddy Loop (8-10km)
10:00 AM10:00

Moderate: Bog Dreams Ireland’s Glacial Past’ Craignamaddy Loop (8-10km)

Registration Point: Watts Bar, Plumbridge

Registration Time: 9.30am (Please arrive at least 30 mins before start time at 10am)

This walk follows the old track over Craignamaddy above the town of Plumbridge and loops back into the village on minor roads. It is suitable for fit people accustomed to ascents and descents and will include input from a local expert on bog-land habitats and their significance for carbon capture.

Cost £5 Per Person. Book Here

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Challenging: ‘Saints and Sinners  The Origins of Badoney’ Carnanelly- Ougthmore- Goles (12km)
9:00 AM09:00

Challenging: ‘Saints and Sinners The Origins of Badoney’ Carnanelly- Ougthmore- Goles (12km)

Registration Point: Watts Bar Plumbridge

Registration Time: 8.30am (Please arrive at least 30 mins before start time at 9am)

This route will be over open hill-side, with a small proportion on tracks, and participants should be comfortable with sustained hiking on moorland and upland countryside. Explore the importance of Badoney in the foundation of the early Christian church in Ireland

Cost: £5 Per Person. Book Here

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Glenelly: 'Craignamaddy Nature Walk' (Moderate)
10:30 AM10:30

Glenelly: 'Craignamaddy Nature Walk' (Moderate)

Craignamaddy is a ridge that rises between Glenelly and Owenkillew valleys, behind the village of Plumbridge. It provides a vista on both valleys and an upland bog rich in biodiversity. This walk will be lead by an expert in local flora and fauna. It will focus on this unique habitat and finish in Plumbridge Village for traditional refreshments.

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Glenelly: 'Jewel in the Crown of the IAT' (Challenging)
9:00 AM09:00

Glenelly: 'Jewel in the Crown of the IAT' (Challenging)

Sawel Mountain is visible from counties as far flung as Donegal to Down- and is the highest mountain along the route of the International Appalachian Trail (IAT). The walk will trace a route onto Sawel that allows for a full day's hiking for those exploring the Trail as a hiking destination. As the 'Jewel in the Crown', Sawel is a must for anyone seeking to know the story of the Sperrins fully.

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 'Sawel Challenge'
9:00 AM09:00

'Sawel Challenge'

This walk will incorporate some of the highest peaks of the Sperrin’s led by expereinced walk leaders. Enjoy and explore the natural and human heritage of the highest of the Sperrin Hills whilst listening to the histroy and folklore of the area.

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6:00 PM18:00

Bat and Moth Walk

Start: 6pm

Distance: 3km.

Do you know how many species of Irish bat there are, or how to hear them at night? Have you ever foraged in a hedgerow and discovered its secrets, including our winged friend the Moth? Glenad Valley near Clougherney provides the ideal sheltered looped walk to experience these delights. Walking on quiet, minor roads suitable for all the family, this twilight walk is led by local forager and Bat woman, Annie Mullan. (Ok for prams)

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'Up The Moat'- Moat for Macmillan Charity Challenge Walk
10:00 AM10:00

'Up The Moat'- Moat for Macmillan Charity Challenge Walk

Start: 10am

Distance: 8km.

How many of you have been up the historic Moat above the picturesque village of Plumbridge in the heart of the Sperrins? Presiding over the western end of the Glenelly Valley, the Moat Challenge provides the opportunity to raise money for a worthwhile charity while discovering the scenic and ecological splendours that await the beholder from the famous cairn atop the Moat. Experience both aspects of this epic little hill from Craig to Glensass. Expect rough terrain and elevation up to 400m walking on hillside and track. Led by local guide Rosemary Murphy and ecologist Martin Bradley.

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Origins of the Ulster Appalachian Way
9:00 AM09:00

Origins of the Ulster Appalachian Way

Distance: 15 km

From Moneyneany to Crannagh in the Glenelly Valley, the Ulster section of the Appalachian Way winds its way over Sperrins foothills past ladder fields and down towards abandoned settlements in Goles. Our walk re-traces the origins of the Ulster Way and tells the story of the International Appalachian Way from its landfall in Europe. Expect rough terrain and elevation up to 450m, walking on track, hillside and minor road. Led by heritage expert Liam Campbell and Far and Wild's Lawrence McBride

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9:00 AM09:00


Choose from three walks designed around Easy, Moderate and Challenging routes:

9am Start: CHALLENGING ‘WALK THE ULSTER APPALACHIAN WAY’ Connecting Glenelly and Killeter is the International Appalachian Way Ulster- a section of the Ulster Way challenging for its distance and variety of hillside and trail walking.

The International Appalachian Trail (IAT) weaves its way west to east from landfall at Slieve League all the way to Larne. This 15km route explores the IAT as it connects Killeter to Glenelly across the summit of Bessy Bell (420m) and the Strule Valley towards Gortin- the route is a variety of minor road, trail and open hill-side walking.



10am Start: MODERATE ‘TRADITIONS IN OUR LANDSCAPE WALK’  An archaeological and human heritage walk visiting landscape features unique to the Barnes area of the Sperrins AONB, including a traditional scone-making display/tasting welcome back.

Crossing rough terrain of Craignamaddy (366m), it explores ecology along the Glenelly River before descending to Barnes on a 9km ridge walk for a scone making come-and-try-it activity.



6pm Start: EASY ‘BAT-MOTH TWILIGHT WALK’ Bring the kids and family along for a forest walk with a difference.

This walk along quiet country roads will explore the beautiful landscape of the Bradkeel and Glenga townlands. Explore with local guides the wildlife rich hedgerows, wooded areas, boglands and Butterlope Glen, which is a specially protected area of the Sperrins. This twilight walk will help you appreciate the nocturnal wildlife of these glens. Suitable for pushchairs.



All walks have a limited capacity and places will be sold on a first come-first served basis. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Participant Consent/Medical form to be completed on the day

Please ensure you arrive at the registration point at least 30 minutes prior to chosen walk start time.

Registration point on the day is at Watt’s Bar, Plumbridge

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